Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Pictures Of the Doodlebug

7 Weeks Old

Santa brought Parker a BB gun early

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Flip Camera

Jim got a Flip Camera for his birthday last year and of course I have taken it over. It's really neat and easy to use and we've enjoyed taking videos with it. I hope Parker grows up and enjoys seeing himself at various ages - and some video of him before he was even born.

I've uploaded a few videos to my YouTube page.

I can't believe he will be five weeks old tomorrow.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Best Feeling in the World

Besides the love of a new baby. . .

Fitting into my pre-pregnancy panties again! Woohoo! It's all about the little milestones, ya know?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Getting Adjusted to Being Mom

Things are going well in the Patty household. We are trying to get adjusted to being parents and learning the ins and outs of our little guy. He already runs the show around here!

Getting over the physical pains of labor is another story. It's day 15 and the pain is still intense. It sucks actually. I have awful cabin fever but I don't want to get the baby out this early - especially with the onset of flu season just around the corner. Maybe he can make his debut around Christmas. I'll really be stir crazy by then.

Parker's face is all broken out in baby acne and Jim thinks I did something to cause it. The other day I gave him a sponge bath and his skin started to peel some and he thought I caused that too. He is such a doting dad though. They are my two favorite guys by far.

Here are a few new pics of our precious little bundle of joy. He's almost 10 lbs already! I can't believe he is already two weeks old.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Baby Parker is Here

First visit to the doctor

With cousins Callie & Cameron

Parker James Patty
Born 10/31/2010
9 lbs. 2.4 ounces
22 inches long

We love him so much already!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Few Things

Here are two pics of my favorite girls at a corn maze in McDonough. Cameron (left) called me to tell me that she will be Cruella Deville for Halloween and Callie (right) will be a Dalmatian puppy. How cute will that be! During our phone conversation, which happened to be my 29th birthday, Cameron informed me that I am "as old as the dinosaurs." That's one way to put it. Love those girls!

I'm officially 9 1/2 months along now and have 2 weeks to go. We are so excited for baby Parker to make his grand entrance! When will it be?

On a different note, I've been reflecting on a few things this week and it amazes me how you can heal from things that deeply affect your life - sometimes without evening realizing it. October 7th marked one year since I had a miscarriage. I honestly thought I'd never get over that experience. But yesterday, as I worked in the yard, I realized that the date had passed and it hadn't even crossed my mind. I am both happy and sad by that realization. Each day brings healing and happiness.

I am so looking forward to the new chapter in my life - becoming a Mom! Jim and I will mark 6 years of marriage in February (11 years together) and we are absolutely ecstatic to become parents to this baby boy!

Pics to come. . .

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What Makes Me Smile

My niece Cameron called me last night to tell me that she got saved at church and asked Jesus to "be in her heart." I literally cried. She is such a doll and I am so proud of her. She turns 4 years old on Monday. She told me that when Parker "comes out" he can get saved too - and I can play with her again.

L to R: Brooke's parents, Nick holding Callie, Brooke with Cameron, my parents

Her 8-month-old sister Callie also brings a huge smile to my face. Just seeing her sweet face and funny expressions can brighten up anyone's day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hospital Woes

I spent Monday night in the hospital with contractions 2-3 minutes apart. Luckily they were able to get everything under control and stop the contractions and ease the pain.

Even though they were just "Braxton Hicks" contractions, I feel like I now have a better idea of just what I'm in for in about 7-8 weeks. And all I can say is I'm in trouble - Oh my goodness! Apparently I was having back labor and it literally felt like someone was stabbing me in the back with a knife. Thank the Lord for pain medication.

Now if we can just keep Baby Parker in the oven for a few more weeks!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Nesting Nut

The urge to nest has officially kicked in. Today, for instance, I felt the urge to clean and organize my tupperware cabinet(s). It wasn't that I wanted to - I felt like I absolutely HAD to do it. I "had" to find the matching lids and stack everything by size.

In the past few days, I've also organized my pantry, junk drawer, three closets, my cleaning supplies and household goods under the sink, my scrapbook materials, Parker's closet and my basement junk room.

Maybe I should just become a maid or professional organizer. I hope this urge ends soon or Jim gives me a paycheck.

Tupperware containers - before
Tupperware cabinet organized

(still needs some work but wow what a difference)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Wheels

Jim and I take pride in being fiscally responsible. Or frugal. Hell, we're cheap. I challenge myself to save money and spend less. Half of Parker's furniture and baby goods have been discovered at thrift stores, yard sales (or are hand-me-downs) and I'm perfectly content with that.

But, I'm glad to say that I broke down yesterday and bought a newer car that would better serve my duties as new mom. It's not a giant SUV - like my mother insisted I would need - but it is something more to my size and I was able to pay cash for it! It's a 2006 Honda Accord. I can't wait to take it to my dad for a good wax and detailing!

Here are two pics of my new ride:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Random Thoughts

My pregnant brain is all over the place. My thoughts wonder day and night. Here are two things that are especially on my mind this morning.
* There is absolutely NO way that a woman could go 9+ months and not know that she is pregnant. She knows!
I’ve been watching the I-didn’t-know-I-was-knocked-up show on TV and want to believe those women, but I just can’t. Not a day goes by that I don’t know for a fact that a living, breathing, kickboxing thing is inside my stomach – aching to come out on most days. People who don’t even know me know I am pregnant because you can literally see my stomach moving and contorting from across the room. It is sick. It is in my dreams each night. That little foot or elbow that is jutting out from my skin haunts me. I feel bad admitting that I am not ooh-ing and aww-ing over the fact that my little guy is doing Yoga in my belly, but I just find it to be bizarre and freaky.

* I am so proud of myself for not freaking out when I see celebrities in person.
The inner me wants to scream and jump up and down and act like a total idiot. In the past three months, Jim and I have seen 3 “celebrities.” Granted, Jim didn’t know who any of them were and looked at me like I was crazy because I spotted them from a mile away and chatted his ear off about them for the rest of the day. This past Sunday, we were cruising through Atlantic Station, when I spotted Vivica Fox! Of course I am screaming in the car and Jim is repeating, “Who? Who?” I had to come home and Google her so he could figure out who she is! But, I didn’t show out and jump out of the car to bum rush her. Hell who am I kidding? I can’t even run anymore with this giant gut in the way.

Monday, August 16, 2010

7 Months Along

I love getting together with my girlfriends from Griffin, especially now that several of them have babies (or are having babies) and we can talk about pregnancy, babies, kids and everything in between. You can only talk about certain things with your close friends. Sometimes it is just nice to vent.

Michelle, Katie, Hayley and I hosted a baby shower for our friend Julie over the weekend and we had a great time. I can't help but cringe when I see the picture of myself all pregnant and fat. I'm just counting down the weeks (only 11 more to go) before I can start to lose some of this weight.

Friday, July 30, 2010

My Cousin Missy


This week, my cousin Missy went on vacation with her brother and his family and passed away in her hotel room. Our entire family is shocked and saddened. She was only 42 years old.

She drove up to the resort in North Carolina from her home in Jacksonville, Fl. They had dinner and spent some time together and she said she was tired and wanted to go to her room and rest for the night. The next morning, when she didn't meet my cousin Foster and his family for breakfast, they went to check on her and found her dead.

The medical examiner told my aunt and uncle that it appears that she died from heart disease. She was cremated and the service was held in Jacksonville yesterday.

What's so bizarre is that her husband also died (almost 3 years ago). They went to sleep and she woke up to find him dead in the bed next to her. I take comfort in knowing that she and her husband are reunited once again.

We never know what tomorrow has in store for us, so don't hesitate to tell your family and friends how you feel about them and don't take life for granted.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CoCo at 7 Months

Our niece Callie turned 7 months old on July 24th. She is the cutest thing. She has the most pleasant demeanor and is a very happy baby. She loves playing with her big sister Cameron.

Callie Ann

I can't wait for Baby Parker to be here so he can play with his two cousins. I know they are going to love each other & I'm certain that they'll give him a run for his money!

Last Beach Trip Before the Little Guy Arrives

Jim & I have just returned from our last vacay before Baby Parker gets here. We had a great time in Panama City Beach. The weather was perfect and the water was the prettiest we have seen in many years. We ate, shopped and ate some more.

We love Montego Bay

The view from our condo

I needed Marilyn there with her sneaky self so she could snap pictures of the hilarious people we encountered on our trip. I especially wanted a picture of the reality TV star staying at the same resort as us: Ryan from MTV's 16 and Pregnant. He was pretty quiet and didn't cause a raucous.

Our condo was located directly next door to Spinnaker and we enjoyed the music of The Bellamy Brothers and American Idol's Bo Bice from our balcony.

We are looking forward to our trip next year when Parker will be 8 months old and he can enjoy the ocean for the first time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Six Months Along

I'm officially 6 months preggers and the clock is ticking loudly (at least in my head). My hormones have calmed down somewhat and now the heartburn and acid reflux have set in.

My OB looked at me like I was crazy when I told her I felt like I've been chain smoking a pack of menthol cigarettes and taking hot peppermint schnapps shots. That's literally how my throat feels. I hope that means the myth is true and that Baby Parker will have as much hair as Laughing Lolly's gorgeous Baby Aaron!

I finally broke down and bought some Zantac today. I've been so anal about not taking anything during my pregnancy, but there are times that you just have to break down and get some relief.

The summer heat is officially driving me insane and I am looking forward to the cooler weather. Baby Parker is due Nov. 4th but I really hope he comes around Halloween. How fun would dress-up/costume birthday parties be for him?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pregnancy Hormones. . . Oh the Drama

Okay, so I have officially nutted up on 3 groups today: The March of Dimes (I love them by the way), Cotton States Insurance and Wachovia. My pregnancy hormones have fully kicked in and I have no filter between my brain and my mouth. My husband, Jim is officially mortified by my behavior.

It all started last week when the phone began ringing four to five times per day from the March of Dimes. I love babies so, therefore, I love the March of Dimes. I contribute to them financially every year. They call repeatedly asking us to mail out their letters to our neighbors. We've politely said no in the past but that doesn't matter to them. After the eleventh call in two days, I answered today and nutted up. I think the calls will stop now.

Then, I tripped out on my insurance co-agent. After calling them three times (on two different days in two different weeks) with no answer, I finally left a message asking if they were still in business, what their hours were and when I could speak with someone. Jim has been friends with our agent since childhood and was appalled by my message. I finally got a call back today and explained to them that I feel that since we have 3 houses and 3 cars with them, I feel like I should get better customer service.

And finally, Wachovia has been calling our house incessantly asking how our experience was at their branch last week, if they can sell us insurance and would we like to sign up for their savings plan. Fine. No and hell no. After a sassy response asking them to quit calling three to four times per day, I hope I solved that problem too.

So, to sum things up, if you haven't experienced pregnancy hormones before - let me say this - you'll be in shock at the little things that will set you off and how quickly you'll let someone know about it.

Jim is just ready for things to return to normal. Will that ever happen?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Smoky Mountain Fun

Jim's family hosted a family reunion in Knoxville on Saturday and we decided to go up a day early to take in the sights and adventures of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge. We had a great time and enjoyed tons of great food!

Jim was so excited to see a Dodge Challenger/Charger car show and made me pose (in all my pregnant glory) in front of several of the cars as he snapped my picture.

The family reunion was fabulous too, especially because Jim has 3 cousins who are expecting babies as well. The reunion turned into a baby shower and we were all treated to gifts!

L to R: Andrea (23 weeks), Me (19 1/2 weeks), Mandy (23 weeks), Rebecca (32 weeks)

And of course, I had to pose with a few of Jim's cousins children. I think that they all believe I am their age because we love to play together and we all have so much fun! They are too cute.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I couldn't resist sharing the freebies I got today! I found $2 off coupons in my Sunday paper for Pampers baby wipes and had several of my neighbors clip them for me too. Wal-Mart has them for $1.97 each, so they were free. I got 5 packs of wipes.

I also received a $10 gift in the mail from Kohl's, so I got a 2 pack of bibs and a cute hooded towel for free. I didn't even pay any tax!

Can't beat freebies.

We saw the baby again yesterday during a sonogram at my doctor's office. He's still a boy (glad to have confirmation from the actual doctor and not just a 3d/4d sonogram person) and he is doing great. We've decided to name him Parker James.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

It's a Boy!

3D image/video of Baby Patty:

We are so excited!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fried Green Tomatoes

My neighbor grows the best tomatoes and each year he shares both green and red tomatoes with me. This year a homegrown tomato is especially wonderful to me because I am pregnant and craving them every single day!
Last night he came over and gave me 3 tomatoes fresh off the vine. Here's what I cooked up for me and baby Parker.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What the. . .

Have you ever seen a picture of yourself and wondered what the heck happened? That's how I felt when I laid eyes on this picture on a friend's Facebook page. It was taken at a friend's baby shower about a year and a half ago and I'd never seen it before.

My immediate thought was that someone stretched my rear end out. It looks like I have Kim Kardashian's behind.

So when you see an unflattering picture of yourself, don't freak out. Just get a good laugh out of it and share it on your blog so we can too!

Monday, May 17, 2010

4 Months Preggers

I'm officially 4 months along now (16 weeks). Only 5 more months to go. Wow! We find out what we are having on June 9th and Jim and I are both very excited and anxious.

And yes, I cut my hair off (more than 6 inches). I told my hair dresser that I am hot and hormonal and this is what we came up with. I miss my ponytail, but it sure is much cooler in this heat. Jim doesn't like it, but I assured him that it will likely grow back quickly with all the prenatal vitamins I am taking.

More pics to come. . .

Thursday, May 13, 2010

More of my Favorite Girls

Cameron and Callie came up for a visit during our Mother's Day cookout on Saturday. They are so stinkin' cute.

They love their uncle Jimbo!

Cameron has predicted that I will have a baby boy. I am officially 15 weeks pregnant! Yeah. She has been right 2 times now, perhaps she will make it 3.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Scary Spring

This is why I hate working in the yard in early spring.
I stumbled upon this guy (or what is left of him) today while de-weeding my front island. I didn't stick around to see if the rest of him was still attached to this skin. I'm certain my entire neighborhood heard me scream.

Wonder if I can use this as an excuse to make Jimbo work in the yard more?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Two Favorite Girls

Cameron, 3.5 and Callie, 3.5 months are my two favorite girls! They bring us so much joy.

Cameron wearing 2 different shoes

Callie playing

Cameron & Callie - Easter
